British Association of

Urological Pathology

British Association of Urological Pathology

The British Association or Urinary Pathology has links to many associated bodies. These are some of them. The list includes a link to the organisation's website.

The British Association of Urological Surgeons

The British Association of Urological Surgeons was founded in 1945 and exists to promote the highest standards of practice in urology, for the benefit of patients, by fostering education, research and clinical excellence. The British Association of Urological Surgeons was founded in 1945 and exists to promote the highest standards of practice in urology, for the benefit of patients, by fostering education, research and clinical excellence. BAUS is a registered charity and qualified medical practitioners practising in the field of urological surgery are eligible to apply for membership.

The Royal College of Pathologists

The website includes some excellent content for anyone looking for a career in pathology. As well as providing details for membership of the college, It provides many links to educational resources Pathology and micro-biology events and conferences.

United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology

As well as providing an index of American and Canadian pathology groups and societies, the website is an excellent centre for education, with online courses and details of course, abstracts and events in the USA and Canada.